During the 2008 financial crisis and in this current COVID-19 environment, the marketplace clearly demonstrated that the traditional loan recovery methods are not effective in rehabilitating loans, maximizing loan recovery after effective default, or maintaining positive relationships with financial services partners.

This service offering reviews the performance or under-performance of any business which is a going concern. It will devise a strategy to keep the organization productive or to create the opportunity to find a buyer or business partner to help the business reach its full potential. Our goal is to help the business owner to avoid defaulting on their financing obligations.

Many businesses that that are currently in distressed debt situations have the following issues:

  1. Unresponsive financial reporting systems, with out-of-date financial systems
  2. Ineffective management of both fixed and working capital components of the business
  3. Inadequate equity financing
  4. Unfocused marketing
  5. Inadequate or inappropriate operations management
  6. Inadequate or non-existence corporate governance

Service Offerings

The service offerings are designed to help resolve these issues in a cost effective manner assist the organization to return to full operational capacity or create an environment where the shareholders can benefit from the sale of the business as a going concern.

The service includes:

  1. Corporate assessment
  2. Corporate recovery
  3. Sale of business as a going concern
  4. Divestiture of non-core business assets or non-core business activities
  5. Sale of Real Estate
  6. Receivership and liquidation